Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Back online!

Ok, finally back online with my blog. I decided since there was such a big time break between my last post & now that I'd start afresh. After all, a big part of this trek for me is to put the past behind me.

So, here we are, 3 sleeps to go and boy do I have a lot to do! My car will be ready from the smash repairers hopefully today, I have 2 job interviews today and one tomorrow with the latest good news on that being my boss is going to release me as soon as I have a firm offer. I have washing to do (especially yesterday's work clothes which I coached running in while it was raining). I have some odds & sods still to buy, a doona to get washed, thank you plaques to pick up & deliver, transport to Canberra airport to organise and it all needs to be done in 48hrs while I also complete a transition plan for our project at work!

The question begs...why am I blogging? I'm locked out of my house at 7am a day early for my physio appt. I'd get the bus but I'm in all my wet weather gear for my scooter so I might look odd.

There are so many people I want to thank for so many different things & I hope over the next couple of posts I'll get them all, but just now I want to say a big thanks to Cherry at my old work for running around & selling my CV & organizing today's two interviews - I really hope I can go back there to work.

Ok, enough for now, time to get a locksmith I think!


  1. That didn't actually answer the question of why are you blogging... come on, you can't leave questions hanging!!! :)

  2. I was bored watching the classy men across the street pour cement & was distracting myself from the fear my flatmate didn't have her phone :P ooh and I hadn't actually blogged the night before as I said I would in my email to my online sponsors. so double :P teehee
